Produk yang memenuhi kriteria pencarian
AP Blister film picker for 135 catridges
Rp 265.000
The AP film retriever is for extracting 35 mm film leader from cassettes into which the film has bee..
Fomapan 200 CREATIVE 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 120.000
Fomapan 200 Creative is panchromatic sensitized, black and white negative film of the speed ISO 200...
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 135-36 (1 rol) exp 10-2025
Rp 165.000
HP5 PLUS s a high speed, medium contrast film making it especially suitable for action and press pho..
Ilford Panf Plus 50 135mm exp 8/23
Rp 150.000
Product type (b&w/color): b&w Film type: 35mm pocket film ..
Kodak Color Plus 200 135
Rp 155.000
Kodak ColorPlus is a medium-speed color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200. This fi..
Kodak Ektar 100 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 290.000
KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 Film is the world's finest grain color negative film. With ISO 100 spee..
Kodak Gold 200 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 160.000
KODAK Bright Sun & Flash Film is a color negative film that offers the best combination of color..
Kodak Portra 160 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 250.000
Kodak's Professional Portra 160 is a daylight-balanced color negative film offering a smooth and nat..
Kodak Portra 400 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 300.000
KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 400 is the world's finest grain high-speed color negative film. At true IS..
Kodak Portra 400 135-36 (5 rol/pack)
Rp 1.500.000
KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 400 is the world's finest grain high-speed color negative film. At true IS..
Kodak Tmax 400 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 255.000
When John Sexton sought to test a 400-speed film, he looked to the new KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 ..
Kodak Ultramax 400 135-36 (1 rol) EXP 01/2025
Rp 185.000
KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film is a worry-free, easy-to-use high speed film designed for snapshooters. ULT..
Rollei Retro 400S 135-36 exp 11/26
Rp 130.000
Rollei Retro 400S is a high-speed black and white film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27°. ..
Rollei RPX 400 135-36 (1 rol)
Rp 130.000
The Rollei RPX 400 is a traditional high speed black and white film that is a good choice for a vari..